My thoughts

I just write whatever comes to mind - don't know if anyone will ever read this

The background shows a photo i took in Greenwitch a while back

Maybe you find some stuff you like

tags: JavaScript Maria DB Python

Pokemon DB Part 1
Pokemon DB Part 2
Pokemon DB Part 3
Pokemon DB Part 4
Pokemon DB Part 5

Final functions

This is it the final part of the code -- I will not go through the askCorrectPokemon function - this should be clear by now

//Ask if Pokem...
tags: JavaScript Maria DB Python

Pokemon DB Part 1
Pokemon DB Part 2
Pokemon DB Part 3
Pokemon DB Part 4
Pokemon DB Part 5

Now we will get the correct Pokemon

We will create another function - this one will use the SetID as well as our CardNo

//Fetch Data
async function fetchDat...
tags: JavaScript Maria DB Python

Pokemon DB Part 1
Pokemon DB Part 2
Pokemon DB Part 3
Pokemon DB Part 4
Pokemon DB Part 5

Checking Sets with SetCount

In this chapter we will check for Duplicate Sets - this is required so we can find out which is the correct one - otherwise the pr...

tags: JavaScript Maria DB Python

Pokemon DB Part 1
Pokemon DB Part 2
Pokemon DB Part 3
Pokemon DB Part 4
Pokemon DB Part 5

Getting the variables

In this chapter we will get the CardNo as well as the SetCount - values which most of the Pokemon Cards have.
There are exceptions to t...

tags: Star Wars Geek Useless Knwoledge

May the fourth be with you!

Celebrating this movie franchise is in some ways very special to me.
The first movie came out in 1977 - my birth year - and here are some useless facts.
I'll try to provide sources but I did no thorough research 1 2...

tags: JavaScript Maria DB Python

Pokemon DB Part 1
Pokemon DB Part 2
Pokemon DB Part 3
Pokemon DB Part 4
Pokemon DB Part 5


We will be using TCGdex JavaScript SDK.
You can find further Infos here or here

Since this was and still is always a work in progress and my p...

First documented in the 1100 (I guess it was 1192 or something) and rebuild a couple of times. In its current form it is from 1550ies - 1570ies.

You could see how people during this age lived - and they were the ones with money ... I wow so much had to be done by hand so much work!
We are really...

When you are stuggling to keep your documents in check you have to check out Paperless-ngx

Sorting, filing, and finding have never been so easy!

The only caveat is that it is fully self hosted, you'll need some kind of "server" to keep the whole thing afloat. A Raspberry Pi will do just fi...

Learning Grav is a little bit of a struggle - Wel that and reading the documentation... I think you knwo what I mean.

I think I am finally on a path between fully geeked out and be able to produce content. There will still be times when I fiddle with a new theme or try something new but I thin...