tags: JavaScript Maria DB Python

Pokemon DB Part 1
Pokemon DB Part 2
Pokemon DB Part 3
Pokemon DB Part 4
Pokemon DB Part 5

Checking Sets with SetCount

In this chapter we will check for Duplicate Sets - this is required so we can find out which is the correct one - otherwise the program would use the first set which it can find.

Alright back to coding


Checking for Dupes

This time I will break it down in small pieces and present the code when everything is explained

Utilizing our first two functions

In this function we are utilizing our first two functions - we need our variables for what is coming next.

//Check for Duplicate Sets
async function checkDupes() {   
  CardNo = await askForCard()
  SetCount = await askForSet()

Lets get started with the sets

In order to find out if we have duplicate sets (SetCounts) we need to check our count with all available sets there are...

//Check for Duplicate Official Card Counts
  try {
      const sets = await tcgdex.fetch('sets');
      const duplicateSets = [];
      // Check for Duplicate Official Card Counts of SetCount
      for (const item of sets) {
        const officialCount = item.cardCount.official;
        if (officialCount === SetCount) {
          duplicateSets.push({ SetID: item.id, Name: item.name });

We are achieving this with const sets = await tcgdex.fetch('sets');
We are fetching all available sets from the TCGdex Database - if you would write this into a JSON file it would look something like this

    "id": "sv03",
    "name": "Obsidian Flammen",
    "logo": "https://assets.tcgdex.net/de/sv/sv03/logo",
    "symbol": "https://assets.tcgdex.net/univ/sv/sv03/symbol",
    "cardCount": {
      "total": 230,
      "official": 197
    "id": "sv03.5",
    "name": "151",
    "logo": "https://assets.tcgdex.net/de/sv/sv03.5/logo",
    "symbol": "https://assets.tcgdex.net/univ/sv/sv03.5/symbol",
    "cardCount": {
      "total": 207,
      "official": 165

Just image a whole lot more - in fact we will write this JSON a little bit further down the road

We are then creating an array with const duplicateSets = []; where we'll write the data we'll need.

Here comes the loop

We wrote the whole JSON in the sets variable - now we will shift through it and compare our variable SetCountwith the item official
If the numbers are the same - we are checking this with ===we will push the data we need in our duplicateSetsarray. In this case item.idand item.name (in the JSON above this would be sv03and 197 if our SetCountwould be 197)

for (const item of sets) {
        const officialCount = item.cardCount.official;
        if (officialCount === SetCount) {
          duplicateSets.push({ SetID: item.id, Name: item.name });

If we are lucky we will only write one Set into our array so we need to check how many Sets there are in our array

Show user how many duplicates there are

So if our array duplicateSetsis larger than 1 we will ask our user which set we are talking about

      if (duplicateSets.length > 1) {
        console.log('Hier sind die mehrfachen Sets:');
        duplicateSets.forEach((set, index) => {
          console.log(`${index + 1}. SetID: ${set.SetID}, Name: ${set.Name}`);

We achieve this in the following way duplicateSets.forEach((set, index) this uses the set as well as the index - remember that computers start counting with 0 - well that is why we are adding a one to the whole index in the output

The choice is yours

We gave the user a list of Sets with an index 1 - n and we will ask for the choice for this we will define the variable with let choice and check again if it is a number with isNaN together with checking if the given number is in the correct range.

We acquire this with if (isNaN(choice) || choice < 1 || choice > duplicateSets.length)

        try {
          let choice;      
          do {
            // Wait for the user's input
            choice = await question(`Welches Set willst du verwenden (1-${duplicateSets.length}): `);
            choice = parseInt(choice);

            // Check if userInput is valid
            if (isNaN(choice) || choice < 1 || choice > duplicateSets.length) {
              console.log(`Falsche Eingabe bitte 1 - ${duplicateSets.length} eingeben`);
          } while (isNaN(choice) || choice < 1 || choice > duplicateSets.length);

          // Return the chosen SetID
          return duplicateSets[choice - 1].SetID;
        } finally {
          // just do nothing
      } else {
       //Return the only SetId  
        console.log('Es gibt keine mehrfachen Sets für SetCount', SetCount);
        return duplicateSets[0].SetID;       
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching sets:', error);
      return null;

If the choice is correct we will return duplicateSets[choice -1].SetID (still the thing with starting to count from zero)

If we only have one Set we will just return duplicateSets[0].SetID;

Keep in mind we will return the id part from the JSON file - e.g. sv03 or sv03.5

let and const

In this section we used a new way to define a variable - in the first section we only used const which translates to constant - these values will be defined once and will / should never change - with letthe whole thing is different you can change this in every set of the code.

try / catch / finally

We used try in this section a whole lot - with this we can define what is happening when something goes wrong in the code the try statement just tells the computer to try something and if this goes wrong tell me (in my defined words) what was wrong

In the last step I only used try and finally this is because we are always getting our correct answer since we wont allow and wrong one - but the try statement requires either a catch or a finally statement at the end.

Complete Code

//Check for Duplicate Sets
async function checkDupes() {   
  CardNo = await askForCard()
  SetCount = await askForSet()
  //Check for Duplicate Official Card Counts
  try {
      const sets = await tcgdex.fetch('sets');
      const duplicateSets = [];

      // Check for Duplicate Official Card Counts of SetCount
      for (const item of sets) {
        const officialCount = item.cardCount.official;

        if (officialCount === SetCount) {
          duplicateSets.push({ SetID: item.id, Name: item.name });

      if (duplicateSets.length > 1) {
        console.log('Hier sind die mehrfachen Sets:');
        duplicateSets.forEach((set, index) => {
          console.log(`${index + 1}. SetID: ${set.SetID}, Name: ${set.Name}`);

        try {
          let choice;

          do {
            // Wait for the user's input
            choice = await question(`Welches Set willst du verwenden (1-${duplicateSets.length}): `);
            choice = parseInt(choice);

            // Check if userInput is valid
            if (isNaN(choice) || choice < 1 || choice > duplicateSets.length) {
              console.log(`Invalid input. Please enter a number between 1 and ${duplicateSets.length}.`);
          } while (isNaN(choice) || choice < 1 || choice > duplicateSets.length);

          // Return the chosen SetID
          return duplicateSets[choice - 1].SetID;

        } finally {
          // Enyjoy life

      } else {
        //Return the only SetId
        console.log('Es gibt keine mehrfachen Sets für SetCount', SetCount);
        return duplicateSets[0].SetID;

    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching sets:', error);
      return null;

More things to come in part 4